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Thursday, February 24, 2011

33 weeks! (2-24-11)

7 weeks to goooo! 7 isn't a bad number at all :) I still have quite a bit to do before the baby comes, and 7 weeks sounds close enough that its not forever away, but enough time for me to prepare :)

This past Sunday was my 1st baby shower! It was wonderful and so great to see my mom's family and friends and received so many cute gifts! The only thing I would change was the weather! A nice snow storm came in just a few hours before the shower started and it snowed and snowed and snowed! We had a decent turnout though and everyone made it there and home safely :)

Monday was our 2nd birthing class and we watched a birth video. I never saw one in school so it was my first and a little scary to be honest! But I feel like I know more what to expect now and feel more prepared. I got teary when they put the baby on her chest and I know I'm going to bawl when they put my sweet girl on mine :)

Wednesday was Dr. appt, all is well except I gained too much weight, 6 pounds in 2 weeks ha! So I guess I have to lay off the cookies a bit ;)

How Big is the Baby at 33 Weeks Pregnant?
By pregnancy week 33, your baby weighs 4.2 pounds and may be 17.2 inches long!

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is busy concentrating on weight gain during week 33 and throughout the remainder of your pregnancy. Your amniotic fluid may be at its highest level this week. Your baby's brain is busy maturing and increasing in size, and your baby's skin will soon start changing from red to pink as fat begins to accumulate beneath its surface.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

32 weeks! (2-17-11)

The last 2 weeks have flown by, I hope the next 8 do the same! :) This past Monday (Valentine's day!) we started our birthing class! I'm really glad we decided to do them, I learned so much and feel so much more prepared after only 1 week. We have 2 more Monday night classes. My first shower is this Sunday as well! I have no idea where everything is going to go in our little one bedroom apartment, but we will figure something out! Everything seems to be coming together and getting closer! There IS an end to this pregnancy :) I'm trying to enjoy it while it lasts I guess, but I'm just so excited to see my baby girl!!

How Big is the Baby at 32 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby continues to put on weight each week of your pregnancy. At 32 weeks your baby weighs 3.7 pounds and measures about 16.7 inches long.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
By 32 weeks pregnant, your baby's fingernails have grown long enough that they reach the tip of his fingers. Some babies will have settled into their labor position - with head down, chin tucked into chest, and bottom up. Your baby may even be smiling. At 32 weeks of pregnancy, it is not uncommon for unborn babies to smile, sticking out their tongues, and even make faces.

At this stage of pregnancy, your baby's face is much more rounded and adorable!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

30 weeks! (2-3-11)

Wow 30 weeks today!! Seems like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel :) Only 10 more weeks to go! I looked in the mirror this morning and went "Woah! I'm getting huge!!" I can't image how ginormous I'll feel at 40 weeks! I'm definitely looking forward to this load be taken off :)

I got a cold last week Tuesday and I think I'm FINALLY over it! Not fun because there isn't much you can take being pregnant and I had bad sinus headaches 4 days in a row and couldn't do much about it!

I got a diaper bag last week, my registry is done and my first shower is only 17 days away :) This is finally starting to feel real! In about 10 weeks, I'm going to be a mom! It's a pretty crazy feeling, but definitely exciting :)

Week 30

How Big is the Baby at 30 Weeks Pregnant?
By 30 weeks pregnant, your baby weighs 2.9 pounds and is just about 15.7 inches long!

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby is continuing to grow and develop at 30 weeks, filling out your uterus more and more every day. You have probably noticed an arm or leg moving across your belly at one time or another. Many parents have a lot of fun playing "guess the body part" as their unborn baby moves inside the mom's belly. This game is even more interesting as your pregnancy continues week by week. A hard round lump is likely either the head or your baby's bottom, whereas a longer flat surface may be your baby's back. Your healthcare provider may be able to help you identify your baby's bumps and lumps at your next prenatal visit.

The volume of amniotic fluid in your belly will slowly start to decrease as your baby starts to take up more and more space.


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