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Thursday, January 20, 2011

28 weeks!

I am 28 weeks today! Only 12 more weeks to go :) I am in much better spirits then my last blog! I have an occasional dull pain on my right side, but nothing too bad, just my normal back pains of pregnancy :P

I finally finished my registry and decided to only use Target. Babies R Us and Walmart were just too difficult! I would go online to register for things and they would only be available online and not in store, and then the items I registered for in the store weren't available online and when you pulled up the registry, it didn't even have a photo or price!

I've been buying clothes and little things here and there and they are starting to pile up quickly! I can't image all the stuff she will have after my 3 showers! We definitely won't be lasting in our 1 bedroom apartment very long! We looked at a 2 bedroom this week, and we are aloud to move into a 2 bedroom before our lease is up at the end of July because we've already completed a lease. We want to wait as long as possible though to save money and have good weather for moving :)

Well I guess that's about it for this week, just trying to be patient! I can't wait to hold my baby girl and kiss her sweet little face!!

How Big is the Baby at 28 Weeks Pregnant?
By 28 weeks pregnant your baby is 14.8 inches or more! She weighs in at about 2.2 pounds.

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Up until now if you were to look at your baby's brain it would appear smooth. By about 28 weeks pregnant, the brain starts to mature and form grooves that we commonly associate with a human brain. Your baby may also be growing longer hair on her head now, though many babies will come out bald at birth. Others will be born with lovely locks of hair that will fall out and even change color some time after delivery.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

27 weeks

Well I am feeling much better than this time last week. It has been a looong week and I'm still in some pain. This whole ordeal is just really confusing. They thought the pain was either from a kidney stone or kidney infection. I haven't passed a stone and my antibiotics are now gone. I have more pain meds but haven't been taking them because I want to know how I really feel.

Monday night was REALLY bad. I was at my grandparents "watching" the national championship game with Joel. I was having some pains so decided to go lay down in the guest room. After about an hour the pains kept increasing and I was able to take my meds again, but they didn't do anything. Joel came in and I cried and cried because the pain was more than I could bare.

I was able to get home, took a bath, which eased the pain a little and went to sleep. Around 4:30am I was back up with more pain. I tried another bath but it didn't help. At 5am I got out a bag of frozen veggies and put it on the pain until 6:30am when Joel got up for work and I went back to sleep. The rest of the day I felt ok.

Tuesday I was out of pain meds and was worried I may need more if pain returned so I went into the doctor's office to refill my pain meds and they did a another blood test and said they would call me in the morning with the results. Yesterday, Wednesday, I laid down pretty much all day on the couch and didn't feel much pain unless I got up.

As of 1pm today, they never called me to tell me the result of the test, so I called them. They said my white blood count was normal and that's it. I tried to think of questions to ask the nurse while I had her on the phone but too many rushed through my head and I just said ok and hung up.

I'm back to work today and my right side is still hurting a bit. I'm not sure where to turn next. I feel they should be more concerned that something wrong could hurt the baby. I don't want to continue to take pain meds when I don't know what is even causing the pain and no effort to try to find out what it is.

My doctor wants me to go back the ER if the pains are bad again, but it seems like she should be able to try and figure it out or send me to the hospital for a test or ultrasound of my kidney. I guess I will wait til tomorrow and see if the pain is still there, I'll call again and seek answers again.

All this craziness is taking away from the happiness I should be having that I'm finally in the 3rd trimester and I get to meet my baby girl in about 3 months! Baby Girl seems to be doing good, moving around lots. I hope and pray none of this affects her health. I love her SO very much and would be crushed if anything were to happen to her.

27 weeks

How Big is the Baby at 27 Weeks Pregnant?
Your baby at 27 weeks weighs slightly under 2 pounds. Your baby's total length is close to 14.4 inches. Your baby is now a perfectly formed albeit very tiny human being, but of course, he will continue growing as you continue your pregnancy week by week .

Your Baby's Growth and Development
Your baby's systems continue to mature during pregnancy week 27 and your little one even starts accumulating some weight in the upcoming weeks.

Up until the 27th and 28th weeks of pregnancy, your baby's eyelids were fused together. After this week or next, they will open. The retina, the light sensitive portion of the eye, typically starts maturing at about 27 weeks of pregnancy. The layers that form in the retina will allow your baby's eyes to receive light and transmit the information it is receiving to the brain to form images. This basic process is referred to as "sight". Imagine that, at 27 weeks pregnant, your baby is a tiny, seeing human being!

Friday, January 7, 2011

26 weeks (+1 day)

Well yesterday was the worst day, probably in my whole life. I got up around 9am and emptied my bladder, I went to go lay back down but it still felt like I had to pee SOOO bad. So I got up because this has happened before and gone away, but it wasn't going away so I called my nurse. I went into the office at 11:30 and did a urine test, turned out I have a UTI (urinary tract infection). So got a prescription for antibiotics and went home.

I got home and just cried and cried because it hurt so bad. Joel went to pick up my prescription and I took it, but no relief. I also drank cranberry juice and water, but the pain was still there. I tried playing video games and watching movies to distract myself from the pain.

I started having diarhea and my right lower back starting hurting. I felt ok enough to eat dinner (my wonderful husband made me chicken, mashed potatoes and corn :)) but then the pain from my right lower back wrapped around my side to my front to my stomach/ab area.

A little before 8pm, I decided I couldn't take the pain anymore and something else must be wrong. I got dressed to go to the ER and got in Joel's truck. We were just about to leave and I told him to stop, I opened up the door and threw up the wonderful dinner he made me :( Sorry babe!

We got to the ER and got up to the OB section. The nurse was very friendly and helpful. I had to do another urine sample and a blood test. We had to wait foreeeever for the doctor, she was delivering a baby and ended up doing a c-section. It was not fun laying on the hospital bed for so long and in pain :( Joel and I wished we were there to have the baby, not for this!

When the doctor finally arrived, she decided I probably either have a kidney infection or kidney STONE! :( The thought of kidney stones went in my head earlier that morning but I really hoped that wasn't what was causing the pain.

The nurse hooked me up to an IV to hydrate me (not fun getting pricked twice because the first one wouldn't go in, OWWW!!!) and gave me a drug similar to Vicadin. I was very happy that relief was on its way! Within about a half hour the pained ceased and we were finally on our way home around 1am with a presciption for pain meds.

I also got a "hat" with strainer to put on the toilet to attempt to catch a kidney stone :( I really really hope and pray that its not, but I guess we will have to wait and see. They monitered baby girl the whole time and she is doing just fine :)

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