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Friday, January 7, 2011

26 weeks (+1 day)

Well yesterday was the worst day, probably in my whole life. I got up around 9am and emptied my bladder, I went to go lay back down but it still felt like I had to pee SOOO bad. So I got up because this has happened before and gone away, but it wasn't going away so I called my nurse. I went into the office at 11:30 and did a urine test, turned out I have a UTI (urinary tract infection). So got a prescription for antibiotics and went home.

I got home and just cried and cried because it hurt so bad. Joel went to pick up my prescription and I took it, but no relief. I also drank cranberry juice and water, but the pain was still there. I tried playing video games and watching movies to distract myself from the pain.

I started having diarhea and my right lower back starting hurting. I felt ok enough to eat dinner (my wonderful husband made me chicken, mashed potatoes and corn :)) but then the pain from my right lower back wrapped around my side to my front to my stomach/ab area.

A little before 8pm, I decided I couldn't take the pain anymore and something else must be wrong. I got dressed to go to the ER and got in Joel's truck. We were just about to leave and I told him to stop, I opened up the door and threw up the wonderful dinner he made me :( Sorry babe!

We got to the ER and got up to the OB section. The nurse was very friendly and helpful. I had to do another urine sample and a blood test. We had to wait foreeeever for the doctor, she was delivering a baby and ended up doing a c-section. It was not fun laying on the hospital bed for so long and in pain :( Joel and I wished we were there to have the baby, not for this!

When the doctor finally arrived, she decided I probably either have a kidney infection or kidney STONE! :( The thought of kidney stones went in my head earlier that morning but I really hoped that wasn't what was causing the pain.

The nurse hooked me up to an IV to hydrate me (not fun getting pricked twice because the first one wouldn't go in, OWWW!!!) and gave me a drug similar to Vicadin. I was very happy that relief was on its way! Within about a half hour the pained ceased and we were finally on our way home around 1am with a presciption for pain meds.

I also got a "hat" with strainer to put on the toilet to attempt to catch a kidney stone :( I really really hope and pray that its not, but I guess we will have to wait and see. They monitered baby girl the whole time and she is doing just fine :)

1 comments on "26 weeks (+1 day)"

Vanessa VH on January 7, 2011 at 2:18 PM said...

What a rough day! I hope you feel better soon. (((((Hugs & Prayers))))

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