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Thursday, November 4, 2010

17 weeks

Today I am 17 weeks and feeling pretty darn good! I'm pretty fortunate that I'm able to get around 10 hours of sleep a night, I know time is running out to do that!! ;)

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and it was my first appointment where I had GAINED weight since last time, 3 pounds, yippie! I am starting to notice the "baby bump" more and more! Baby is getting pretty big, over 5 inches now :) I'm not sure if I have felt anything yet, I'd like to think I can feel little movements when I am still and quiet, but it could just be my imagination! Hopefully within a few weeks I will feel some definite movement :)

The appt went well and very quickly! Checked my weight and blood pressure, asked if I had any concerns, then got to hear the heartbeat again! :) I love hearing that swishing heartbeat, knowing that my baby is alive and well, its so reassuring at this stage when I can't see or feel them yet!

I made my next appt which will be my regular checkup AND...(I'm SO excited for this...)....my ultrasound to find out if its a boy or girl! The suspense is just killing me! Only 27 more days (December 1st) and I will know!! I look at all this cute stuff at the store and I just wish I knew if it was a boy or girl so I could buy something! Even just
one little outfit to keep and look at :) Soon....

I've also been working on my registries a little more. I now have 3, Target, Babies R Us and Walmart. I was hoping to only have 2, but was unable to find everything I wanted at only 2 of them. I never would have thought of Walmart, but they have great prices and selection (online) of the big things like strollers, carseats and cribs. And they have the Site-to-store option so you can buy things online and have it shipped free to your local Walmart.

Well I guess that it's for
now :) Maybe my next update I'll add a photo of me and my growing belly if it starts showing a little more ;)


Here is some more interesting info from www.womenshealthcaretopics.com

Fetal Development at 17 Weeks Pregnant
By pregnancy week 17, your baby is practicing his first breathing movements. With each little "breath" baby takes, his diaphragm contracts and his chest wall moves up. Fluid is also pushed out of the lungs. These "breaths" last less than a second, and your baby may even open his mouth and swallow amniotic fluid at the same time.

At this stage of fetal development, these breathing movements occur only occasionally. It is not until the end of the second trimester, around 24 weeks pregnant (when air sacs form in the fetal lungs), that your baby will spend more time practicing his breathing movements.

At 17 weeks pregnant, your baby can now open and close his mouth. He can also yawn and swallow amniotic fluid.

Your little one's skin is still transparent this week, and there is little fat underneath the skin. If you were to take peek inside your womb, you could easily see your baby's blood vessels.

It's common for your baby to bring his hands to the face and even suck his thumb. However, sucking is not coordinated at this stage of development.

Your baby is a little acrobat in the womb at 17 weeks pregnant. He is in a constant state of movement - changing positions, stretching and curling his arms and legs.

This week, your baby's heartbeat may be strong enough for a doctor to detect with a Doppler ultrasound. At this point in your pregnancy week by week, your baby's heartbeat is twice as fast as your own.

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